
Academic year - 2023-2024


Visit ADE for up-to-date information on schedules and rooms.



S3 - 19 feb

Region of interest + EO data download

S4 - 26 feb

Sentinel-2 pre-processing

20 feb

Delivrable 1: ROI, sensor and objectives

S5 - 04 mar

Sentinel-1 & Landsat with GEE

S6 - 11 mar

Spectral Index & Vector data

S7 - 18 mar

Split Cal-Val & RF Classification

S8 - 25 mar

Validation & Zonal statistics

19 march

Delivrable 2

Easter Holidays


Easter Holidays


S9 - 15 apr

Composites & Tutoring

S10 - 22 apr

Tutoring - Q&A

16 apr

Delivrable 3

S11 - 29 april

Tutoring - Q&A

S12 - 06 may

Tutoring - Q&A

S13 - 13 may


21 may

Delivrable 4 - Final version of your poster


LBRAT2104 course schedule - Tuesday: Cérès Room - Wednesday: Darwin Room